Let's talk about Goal Setting! We always have ideas in our head or we have these dreams that we want to become a reality, but sometimes we get lost in the process to get us there. Don't wait until the New Year or next month, or your 30th birthday to start your goal. Think f it now, write it down and start taking action!
Specific- What is the end result you are looking for? The more specific you are, the better you will set yourself up for success. For example, maybe your goal is to run a half Marathon before you turn 40. You just turned 39 last week so we know we have this year to get your goal accomplished. Now we need to figure out the steps to get you there. It's a great idea for write out your whole goal and then start narrowing it down to what it is you want.
Measurable- How will you know you achieved your goal? Or that you are on the right track and making progress. If the goal is to lose weight, maybe your clothes are starting to fit better, or you feel more energetic. You didn't really drink a lot of water, and now you are drinking 100 ounces a day.
Achievable- Making sure your goals are challenging, but also attainable and reasonable. Saying you want to lose 50lbs in 30 days in not realistic and not healthy. If your overall goal was to lose 50lb, start out by planning the steps it will take to get there. Start by saying " I will workout at least 3 days per week for the next month". It's a reasonable goal and if you are able to workout for 3 or more days, then you have achieved this goal and can move onto the next one.
Realistic- Is this a goal of yours that has meaning or is personal to you? When writing our your goal, make sure it is realistic and not out of reach. They should be in line with your values and long term objectives.
Timely- Your goals should have a target date. For instance, going back to the achievable goal, you want to workout 3 times a week for the next month. So now you gave yourself the next 30 days or so to workout at least 3x per week. It's important to use realistic time frames so you don't over do yourself or get discouraged if you don't accomplish it. Making it a month long goal give your the ability to use a calendar and mark off every day you workout. Then at the end of the month when you achieve your goal, you can move onto the next month.
Here is an example if you are looking to write out your goal.
Specific - I will start an online Blog about Nutrition and fueling your body
Measurable- The number of views the blog gets and comments
Attainable- I will set up my blog page, write down ideas and share with family and friends
Realistic- I love all things nutrition and food. This will allow me to connect with others.
Timely- I will launch my blog in 3 months
So ask yourself, What are your goals? How can you achieve them and remember to start small and work your way up! Start with one goal at a time and once you have achieved that and mastered it, you can move one your next one.