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The Choice is Yours

Elyse Frank

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

As I sit here on a plane, the lights are dim and I’m listening to my starred playlist from Spotify, all I can do is reflect on 2021. What a year it was. I think I hit every single emotion. Happy, sad, excited, angry, tears of joy and tears of sorrow. I cried for weeks straight and felt like I hit rock bottom, even though it was out of my control. Who would have thought 21 months later Covid-19 would still be around. But I’m not here to talk about my highs and my lows. As I take a sip of my champagne, I remind myself of the life I am building and how I am creating the person who I want to be.

Because we get to choose how we want to live our life. Every single morning when we wake up, we get to choose our next steps and what we want to do that day. Wow! If you could see the sun rise right now with its blues and oranges. Sorry, off track for a second so I could admire the beauty surrounding me. But that is part of my morning right ow. It’s 6:58 on a Friday morning, December 31, 2021. And if I choose to look at the sunrise, then damn that’s what I am going to do. Why don’t we do this more often. Why don’t we take 5 or 10 minutes to step outside and I breathe in the fresh air. Who cares if it’s 15 degrees and snowing or 97 degrees and so humid your hair frizzed within the first 3 seconds. This is our life, this is your life, this is my life. We only get one, so why don’t we make the most of it.

We are so busy wrapped up in our every day schedules that we forget to take time for ourselves. So stop talking about and thinking about, just do It! Do something for you, be selfish for a few moments. There is nothing wrong with that. If I want to close the door behind me to use the restroom without my 20 month old coming in and messing with the toilet paper, then I should, right? Then she’ll just stand outside the door and call my name on repeat. It doesn’t make me a bad person or a bad mom. I need to take care of myself so I can take care of my child. So next time you feel like you need some time to yourself for a few moments, go do it. Step outside and get some sunlight in your eyes. It’s what my husband says all the time and it really does work. Or take a drive to the age down the street fora latte. But please make sure you find time for you!

Let me get back to reflecting on 2021. This year made me stronger than ever because of everything inexperienced. So guess what, you are no alone if you felt self doubt, defeated, cried on your bathroom floor and lost all hope. That was me too. And it’s okay to let it out. Get all of that negativity out of your system so something else can come along. Life is crazy, but we can choose how we react to the challenges that come our way. I get it. It’s nots always easy to look at the bright side of things, but somewhere behind that frown is a smile waiting to come out. So next time you are feeling down, look at a picture or think of a happy moment. You can do this. You can get yourself out of those dark moments and step into the light. I believe in you and I know you are stronger than you think. We all are. Sometimes we just need a little reminding. That’s what I am here for.

So while 2021 challenged me, it also made me see life through a different lens. And I’m glad it did because now I can take what I learned and grow from it. Its time to starting living life like it’s our last. Become UNAPOLOGETIC for being ourselves and create the lifestyle we want for ourselves. I leave you with this. Reflect on life but don’t let it hold you back. Move on and move forward. Dream big and just go for it! Because if you don’t do it, no one will do it for you. You spend your days watching someone else lie the lie you want. Not to sound harsh but that’s the truth. So let’s do this! Take those challenges and curve balls thrown at you and turn them into positive outcomes. You deserve it. Can I get another class of champagne please?



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